Those of you here in Australia will know how devastating the bushfires in Victoria have been the past few days - they have now surpassed Ash Wednesday and Black Friday as the worst fires in Australian history. Paul and I have been rocked to the core watching footage of towns that have literally gone up in smoke, and thanking our lucky stars that our family in Gippsland are ok. However, tonight the death toll was at 85 and expected to rise to over 100, and so many families have been left with only the clothes on their backs.
We were talking about what we could do to help; being so far away we can't volunteer our time. Tonight on the news they featured the appeal that has been launched by the Red Cross and the Victorian Government. This is where we can all help.
I was planning on holding a Sale-a-Bration workshop at my home in the next few weeks anyway, so I have decided that I will donate the fee for this workshop to the appeal, as well as 20% of the value of all orders placed on the day.
I will hold this fundraising workshop Sunday 15th February at 2pm. We will make 3 projects and cost will be $10. In addition, for all orders placed with me until the 28th February, I will donate 10% of the value of the order to the appeal. Please contact me
here to book a place at the workshop or place an order (Sale-a-Bration bonuses are available until February 28th).
If you live overseas or would like to make a more substantial donation, please go to and click on the Victorian Bushfire Appeal link.
Together we can help the families devastated by these fires start to rebuild their lives.